Monday, June 13, 2011

Proof of Before

Disclaimer: Please do not judge the state of this garage. 
We are moving in 5 days and things are a little crazy up in there!

Here is the BEFORE to the desk I so enthusiastically posted the AFTER to last week.


The desk was a nice, solid wood piece with unique hardware. I paid more than I normally would ($70) but it is going to be in the main room of my new home so I think I can justify spending the extra cash!

After I took the desk apart, I layered on 2 coats of my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Aubbuson Blue. You heard that right - straight to paint. No sanding, no priming! That is the beauty of the chalk paint. It dries so quickly that I went between the desk frame and the drawers without any wait time.


Once it was dry I did some distressing. Perk #203 of chalk paint: distressing is SUPER EASY!

I used a medium sanding block and let the piece do the talking. Seriously, just start sanding and you will begin to see where the paint is easily coming off. Go with those spots instead of trying to force where you think the distressing will look best.


After the distressing was done, I wiped off the paint dust and any other residue and spread on my clear wax. That stuff is like buttah. Once if was dry I buffed it with a rag (thanks for the tip, Yvette!) to make the finish smooth to the groove.


My kids were so impressed they asked to have their picture taken with the desk.


Now they like to climb on top of it and drive their Matchbox cars around.

Linking to:

Mustard Seed Creations Furniture Feature Friday    Photobucket
