Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Haunted Exterior


There is something about seasonal/holiday decorating that makes me super giddy. Maybe it is the fact that I only bust this stuff out once a year. Perhaps it is the festive mood that is evoked. But no matter how you slice it, I really dig holiday decorating. I haven't quite gotten around to decorating the inside of the house...but the outside is off to a good start.

Last year I made this snake wreath. I thought it got lost in the move, but you can imagine my spooktacular glee when I discovered it this weekend! If you want to make your own, see directions at the end of this post.


My boys love to help in the house decorating! But hands down, their favorite is always the inflatable! My favorite quote of the day came from my 2 1/2 year old, Easton.
"Mommy, I not scared of dose ghosteses or dem pooosycats."

Happy haunting, everyone!!

Snake Wreath of Terror:

1. Weave plastic snakes (I bought mine at the Dollar Store) in and out of a grapevine wreath.
2. Spray paint black (or any color you like...or not at all...or buy the glow snakes!).


1 comment:

  1. Wow I love the inflated ghosts!!
    The snake wreath is such a clever idea too!
